Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Roseola, anyone?

Last week, Ig got sicked, maintaining temperature of 39 - 40C for a few days.  It is a scary experience, when you don't know what's wrong with him and especially for a new mum like me.

It turned out he had a Roseola.  Roseola is common viral disease that affects infants and toddles, especially those aged between 6 months and  2 years old (exactly Ig's age range!).  It is usually marked by several days of high fever - temperatures may reach as high as 104-105 F (40-40.5 C), followed by a distinctive rash just as the fever breaks.

Now that's where the worries come in.  With temperatures as high as that, any decent parent will freak out, let alone those who never heard of Roseola.  Furthermore, Roseola also on of those disease that you can't diagnose or prevent from the early onset of the sickness.  Not until the distinctive rash appears, that the possibilities of having Roseola might not being considered.  Roseola also often misdiagnosed as common flu or cold.

How do I know all these??  That's why I loove Internet.  When I wasn't able take Ig to see doctor at the first occurrence of the rashes, I called my mum to ask her opinion on what the rashes might be.  Since she didn't see the rashes personally, it's hard for she to conclude.  But she did reassured that since Ig don't looked uncomfortable or sick, it might not as serious as it looks.  Reassured a bit, I did some research on the rashes.  Voila! Roseola! never heard of it until now!  That explained a lot of what Ig went thru these few days! His symptoms matched Roseola's symptoms perfectly.

That's the end of all those unexplained high fever and rashes!. Wheewps.

Too bad, I didn't manage to capture him with a cool pad on his forehead.  Despite been sick, he managed to look really cute.  :D


玫瑰疹是常見的一種幼兒良性感染疾病,主要要的症狀就是發高燒,溫度可高至攝氏39至40度,通常持續3.或4天。當高燒的時候,除 了兩個小臉頰會燒得紅紅的以外,小寶寶的胃口、活動力也都還好,也可能有輕微的咳嗽、流鼻涕之類的上呼吸道感染症狀,檢查起來沒有明顯的特徵,這種病最大 的特性就是當出現玫瑰紅似的細小斑丘疹時,往往也就是發燒漸退時,該病快到尾聲的預告,有時有於個人體質的關係而因高燒發生抽筋,但不必驚慌,因為這是良 性的抽筋。”

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Ben had it few months back. We also surfed around the Net, compared some of the images on Google image search and found out it was Roseola, thanks to the rashes which appears. Weirdest thing is Ben was still active and alert as usual throughout the couple of days he got it.
